“If you have spent all your time and educational investment to become a valuable and needed employee, you may still find yourself in the same place as those who have not. Loyalty from company to employee may not be extinct but it is certainly rare. The number, caliber and class of people who are truly indispensable in dwindling fast. While entrepreneurs and soloprenuers are on the rise in every sector. Work at home and work for self are not yet synonymous but may soon be.” J Loren Norris HOW DO I GET A REAL JOB?
In the shadow of Y2K and the dot com bust many people were left jobless and near hopeless. In his block buster and economy rattling book Brand You 50, Tom Peters said - “Don’t worry about job security, its a myth. Instead focus on employment security.” I have to say, two decades later, his words are still resonating with incredible truth and resilience. If you have spent all your time and educational investment to become a valuable and needed employee, you may still find yourself in the same place as those who have not. Loyalty from company to employee may not be extinct but it is certainly rare. The number, caliber and class of people who are truly indispensable in dwindling fast. While entrepreneurs and soloprenuers are on the rise in every sector. Work at home and work for self are not yet synonymous but may soon be. Companies like 123Employee.com have made the need for housing a large staff for administrative tasks unnecessary. The speed of the internet and near global access to market places and potential clients has reshaped the world of sales and distribution. Amazon competes with almost every type, size and genre of business in every country. The result is a great divide. For a new company to thrive and be poised to hire they must be either massive and agile in global scale or hyper local. If you want to GET A REAL JOB, you may want to focus on W-2 styled employment, meaning hired by someone else to build their dream, line their pockets, fill their bank account, And enhance their vacations in exchange for the perceived security of a regular paycheck. If that is the case, I recommend you take some assessments to determine your greatest skill sets, talents, abilities, acumen and best educational direction. Mike McCormack can help you with that. You can connect with Mike here: https://peoplerightcareers.com/ If you instead choose to BE YOUR OWN BOSS, start your own thing, build your own 21st century lemonade stand, the best $97 you could invest in your education will be RIGHT HERE. I have been to and through hundreds if not thousands of hours of seminars, classes, trainings, webinars and mentoring relationships, but this particular course CHALLENGES ME like nothing else. Every time I go through the course, I am a different level. Every time I sit through the strategy calls, I hear something I missed last time. Every time I accept the challenge to DO SOMETHING I HAVEN'T TRIED, I discover a secret I have been stepping over. If you want to learn the process to CONVERT YOUR LIFE JOURNEY into a MENTORship course that will become a tool for helping others and earning a respectable income along the way GO HERE. LEADING LEADERS PODCAST with J Loren Norris providing daily leadership video lessons promoting faith, family and freedom for Tell It Like It Is TV . #leadingleaderspodcast #storypower Blog & Online Courses - www.jlorennorris.com/live Copyright 2020 Tell It Like It Is, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Insuperable Vision Workshop - Audio Download
Insuperable Vision Workshop - Audio Download with worksheets Day after day I meet people who are struggling just to make ends meet. They are adrift in this vast sea of humanity holding on to their job, their family, their home, and their car with all they've got. They see their life experiences and education as the last hope to find their purpose and identity. They gather, fill and stuff all the money they can into every opportune investment. Yet they are empty, frustrated, angry and just plain fed up. We have all experienced that moment; when we find yourself stuck in traffic, yelling at random strangers to do what they wish they could... but can't... GO! The idea that life can be better than it is today is like the flame of a candle fighting for all its worth to stand against the tempest. We all want a better life. Even when life is good, we want more. That idea, that flame, is the hope that lives in the hearts and minds of all of us. Should that flame be extinguished, hope itself may well go with it. It is the rut of hopelessness that traps many would be shining stars and buries that glow from the sight of the world. It is the rut of hopelessness that extinguishes that flame. Lives that would have been a beacon to the wandering are lost at sea themselves. Inspirations of success that would have been the voices crying out to all who suffer are hidden away in their own stale lives, they cannot share who they are or what the world needs from them. It is my passion to help you find your purpose. I want to see you become successful, but more than that to be free! Without vision people perish. Without vision, we seem to be lost, mind numb robots following the herd into the abyss that is everyday life. We do not live intentionally without a vision for our future. We do not live passionately without a vision for our future. We do not live productively without a vision for our future. We certainly cannot lead without a vision for our future and a vision for the future of those we lead. This audio course will inspire and instruct you to create a vision which will become a significant driving force in your life. Author