"I had a voice and I had a purpose. More than anything I knew I could help others with similar realization, and after all I went through, I knew without a doubt, I could do it effectively. “You could meet other’s expectations or you could exceed your own. That’s Empowerment!” ~ Sandra Dee Robinson Years ago, I was asked to host an infomercial (There was a great payday attached to the job) and all I had to do was simply audition as protocol. I was already well-known as a daytime actress, so the casting director was confident that I was the one for the job. Then, as I began the read, the director interrupted and asserted, “Sweetie, just be yourself.”
I fell apart, piece by piece. Any confidence I had left me.. vaporizing through my shaking voice, knocking knees and eventual tears. (shuffle feet, exit stage right). I had nothing in that file labeled, “Self worth.” Growing up I was told by my mother that life would have been better if I hadn’t been born. That was a lie, but I owned it. So, I became an actor so I could avoid being me. I cried the whole way home in the car, not for the loss of the potential paycheck, but because I felt completely lost. I had no idea what my natural communication strengths were, or how to speak to an audience of any size without shaking. I wasn’t even good at initializing conversation (“shy” was an understatement). I was successful, and doing my “Day job,” a steady TV acting role just fine, but I needed what I later learned is called a “Breakthrough” if I was ever going to do more with my current level of success. I had to figure out a way to make my life and career work. I had to find my own voice. It was 7 years, 13 coaches, 2 therapists, three certifications, dozens of conferences and self-help books and plenty of trial-and-error when I realized I was equipped. I could make a difference. I had a voice and I had a purpose. More than anything I knew I could help others with similar realization, and after all I went through, I knew without a doubt, I could do it effectively. “You could meet other’s expectations or you could exceed your own. That’s Empowerment!” https://sandradeerobinson.com/about/ LEADING LEADERS PODCAST with J Loren Norris providing daily leadership video lessons promoting faith, family and freedom for Tell It Like It Is TV . Blog & Online Courses - www.jlorennorris.com Copyright 2019 Tell It Like It Is, Inc. All rights reserved. |
About The PodcastTell It Like It Is TV is the Interview Podcast portion of all of ou programming. From red carpet interviews at live events to specialists, gurus and subject matter experts from all walks of life this is the podcast to check out for something new. |