10 Key AREAS of Leadership Development - Online Course Description
Area #1 - Personal Growth
Am I investing in myself?
Watch the video to learn the four elements you must invest in.
Am I investing in myself?
Watch the video to learn the four elements you must invest in.
Area #2 Motive
Why do you want to lead?
Am I genuinely interested in others?
Watch the video to get the four areas of focus which will help you stay on track:
Why do you want to lead?
Am I genuinely interested in others?
Watch the video to get the four areas of focus which will help you stay on track:
Area #3 Passion
Am I doing what I love and loving what I do?
- People have a tendency to get in ruts: What are the 4 pitfalls of a rut?
- Passion is at the core of success and fulfillment: What are the 5 advantages of passion?
Am I doing what I love and loving what I do?
- People have a tendency to get in ruts: What are the 4 pitfalls of a rut?
- Passion is at the core of success and fulfillment: What are the 5 advantages of passion?
Area #4 Effectiveness
Am I staying in my strength zone?
Effective executives build on the strengths of 3 specific groups.
Watch the video to learn who they are.
Am I staying in my strength zone?
Effective executives build on the strengths of 3 specific groups.
Watch the video to learn who they are.
Area #5 Mission
Am I taking others to a higher level?
Three questions every leader should ask themselves with regard to those they lead. Watch the video to learn when it's time to stop leading.
Am I taking others to a higher level?
Three questions every leader should ask themselves with regard to those they lead. Watch the video to learn when it's time to stop leading.
Area #6 Success
Am I taking care of today?
Watch the video to learn 5 things leaders know about TODAY that will change your future.
Am I taking care of today?
Watch the video to learn 5 things leaders know about TODAY that will change your future.
Area #7 Strategy
Am I taking time to think?
Watch the video learn 5 steps every leader must apply to THINKING!!
Am I taking time to think?
Watch the video learn 5 steps every leader must apply to THINKING!!
Area #8 Legacy
Am I developing other leaders?! Young and inexperienced leaders feel like it is a grand accomplishment to gain followers.!
If you want your organization to be successful for any length of time, leading followers is not enough.
Am I developing other leaders?! Young and inexperienced leaders feel like it is a grand accomplishment to gain followers.!
If you want your organization to be successful for any length of time, leading followers is not enough.
Area #9 Relationships
Am I investing time with the right people?!
“Your life will be the same five years from now... except for the people you meet and the books you read.” Charles “Tremendous” Jones!
“People can usually trace their success and failures to the relationships in their lives.” John Maxwell!
Am I investing time with the right people?!
“Your life will be the same five years from now... except for the people you meet and the books you read.” Charles “Tremendous” Jones!
“People can usually trace their success and failures to the relationships in their lives.” John Maxwell!
Area #10 Faith
Am I pleasing to God?!
What is your “highest calling” or moral compass?!
Whatever that sense of purpose is driven by, are you operating in full integrity to that calling?!
My belief system asks the question this way: “What good is it to gain the whole world and yet lose my soul?”!
Am I pleasing to God?!
What is your “highest calling” or moral compass?!
Whatever that sense of purpose is driven by, are you operating in full integrity to that calling?!
My belief system asks the question this way: “What good is it to gain the whole world and yet lose my soul?”!