Coaching Options - Leadership & StoryPower
On Sale
On Sale
StoryPower Journal Starter Kit
Did you finish the READINESS QUIZ?
This StoryPower Journal Starter Kit will guide you as you embark on a journey to discover, explore and create stories from your life so you can experience the transformation of StoryPower in your life and leadership!
Download and save this file to be completed on your tablet or computer as many times as you like. You may also want to print several copies and start your own notebook for weekly practice.
Start your StoryPower Academy Training here for a SPECIAL PRICE of $597
StoryPower Masterclass ONLINE COURSE
As one of the most complete public speaking training courses, StoryPower MasterClass will give you the courage and confidence you need to transform lives!
Participants will learn 4 STEPS TO MASTER STORYPOWER
1. Story Craft - Make it a memorable moment and not a memoir
2. Stage Craft - You will perform how you practice. Learn to master the skill of delivery
3. Connection - The big win is to connect with the heart and soul of your audience
4. Narrative - Lead the narrative - master the collection of stories which direct the course of your life
On Sale
On Sale
StoryPower 1:1 PRIVATE Coaching (90 Day Commitment)
"I spend as much time if not more preparing the speaker, not just the speech." J Loren Norris
StoryPower 1:1 Coaching Program is designed to help me develop my life’s story into a cohesive message that has the power to influence others. I understand the primary objective of this program is not to serve as a booking service, event planning agent or personal life coach although those things may happen through the process. I understand there has been great sacrifice of time, effort, finance and energy invested to create and design this program and included materials available and I will reciprocate with equal vigor and diligence to the completion and preparation of my story for my audience’s sake. I will show up and participate all in - every time.
Please initial each paragraph below.
_____ The first six sessions (2 Blocks) of the StoryPower 1:1 Coaching Program are sequential and foundational. These sessions must be completed before moving on to the future sessions.
_____ Sessions seven through 27 (7 Blocks) could be addressed or focused on as needed by the client but are best completed in the order recommended even if repeated as new ideas are developed. If participating in a group program all participants will work in the same order at the same pace.
_____ Each session is projected for approximately three hours. However, flexibility will be the key. If more time is needed it will be made available when possible and within reason on the same date and time block.
_____ Payment for the month is due prior to session beginning. If payment has not been made the sessions will be cancelled or postponed until payment is received.
_____ If participating in a mentoring group, the client will make payment prior to session start on or before the due date or client will forfeit that session. This is because the discounted group rate does not allow for more than one make up session.
BILLING OPTIONS FOR: StoryPower 1:1 Coaching
_____ $2,500 per month for 3months. {3-5 sessions per month (1-3 hours)}
Online digital payment with automatic billing is required for block payments whether group or individual. This payment will be processed securely through PayPal Subscription billing services and will be charged on the dates specified. Please provide email address for payment link and subscription billing to be completed: _______________________________
On Sale
On Sale
StoryPower Story Crafting - 1:1 SINGLE Coaching Session
- 3 Hour FaceTime or Zoom Coaching Session with J Loren Norris
- Stories Selected from your life crafted into a speech
- Specifically Crafted call to action for your most profitable results
- IP Released Recording for you to rehearse and reuse
Coaching programs are like gym memberships. We have already made the investment and commitment. When you invest, you must commit whether you do the work or not is not on us.
StoryPower Masterclass Intensive (6 Hour Workshop LIVE AND IN PERSON)
This COMMUNICATION TRAINING course would be a GREAT INVESTMENT for your business regardless your industry.
If you are a leader or manager for any sized group or team, stories are the best tool for communicating and coaching ideas and instructions you want to be retained by your team.
If you are a public speaker, teacher, trainer, pastor or coach their is nothing worse to damage your integrity or credibility than trying to use someone else's stories, jokes or anecdotes to make a point.
"If you have learned, you have lived it, so share it." J Loren Norris
CLICK HERE for an instant assessment of your story and your readiness to transfiorm lives:
Get a head start with the StoryPower Journal Kit (Download it Here)
StoryPower Workshop will teach you the right way to extract and deliver stories from your own experiences which will impact your listeners immediately, deeply and in a lasting way.
I also ask you to share this link and video with anyone you know who is a leader, trainer, teacher (storyteller) in their everyday job.
Watch the video for a quick over view.
This will be a SERIOUS TRAINING event - not a sales pitch REGISTER NOW
SUPERHERO TRAINER - "Your story is your superpower, weakness of character is your kryptonite." J Loren Norris
StoryPower One Day Intensive VIP Workshop
✓ One Day Workshop (Approximately 6 hours)
✓ Identify the myriad of unique stories in your life which could impact others
✓ Learn to apply the following elite tools to your own stories:
- Psychology of Story
- Story Selection
- Story Crafting
- Speech Crafting
✓ 1 - 30 minute 1:1 Follow up to audit your key story via Zoom or FaceTime within 30 days of Live Event
✓ Every VIP Attendee will speak from the front of the room at least once
✓ Learn To ROAR Membership (LifeTime Access Online Video Course for Leadership and Communication $297 Value)
✓ Learn To ROAR Communication (Digital Audio Download $97)
NEXT EVENT DATE - January 14th, 2023
10:00 PM – 6:00 PM CDT
Location - Dallas Fort Worth Area
Location Varies Each Class
Address will be provided registration confirmation email.
Learn To ROAR Communication Audio Download Course
LEARN TO ROAR COMMUNICATION - 4 downloadable audio files.
- Leadership Communication Tips
- Inspire leaders of all levels
- Motivate new employees to seek growth
Also Available As
- Keynote and Breakouts
- 4 Week Mastermind
- 1:1 or small group coaching
- Book/ e-book/ Audio and Video
J Loren Norris demonstrates how story telling has a direct relationship to public speaking and is also a preparatory method for speech writing and rehearsing.
Learn To ROAR Communication has been presented as a 20 to 30 minute keynote address as well as an eight hour interactive seminar or three week/ six hour in depth training course for organization leaders and professional speakers. Transforming Stories. Transforming Lives is the core long term coaching program of Tell It Like It Is.
STORYPOWER TV -TOUR STOP SPONSOR will be the platform we deploy to offer a place for people to speak up, for giving voice to those who feel like they are not being heard.
Will you consider sponsoring, hosting or co-promoting a stop on the StoryPower 1st Amendment Tour?
One location stop $500 up to 2 hours.
$2,000 for the 8 hr day up to 4 stops in a 25 mile radius.
(Live streaming with live switching and recording $1000 extra for the day)
Gimme 3-5 minutes to set up the stage
4 more minutes if you need a mic and sound system for the crowd size
Add another 5 minutes if you want to LIVE STREAM your presentations.
$500 per stop (single camera social media stream)
Banners for sponsor promotion
Giveaways (sponsor branded merchandise)
Space for setup
Permits for playing music, crowd gathering, noise permits as needed for local laws
Accommodations (parking, restrooms, electricity)
Giveaways (Host branded merchandise)
Social media sharing
Fliers or local media as available
StoryPower Story Crafting - 1:1 SINGLE Coaching Session - ONE HOUR FOCUS SESSION
- 1 Hour FaceTime or Zoom Coaching Session with J Loren Norris
- Stories Selected from your life crafted into a speech
- Specifically Crafted call to action for your most profitable results
- IP Released Recording for you to rehearse and reuse
Coaching programs are like gym memberships. We have already made the investment and commitment. When you invest, you must commit whether you do the work or not is not on us.
INSTANT download content - Get IT Now
Attitude Hack (For Christians) Audio Download
I won’t tell you what to do. It's your choice because your attitude is your choice.
When a thought comes into your head, what you focus on or don't focus on, will make you who you are. Those thoughts will become beliefs, then become attitudes, then become actions, then become behaviors, and finally become your circumstances. From the thought to the circumstances, you have many chances to lead your own life. The key strategic place you have an opportunity to control life is in your own attitude, because attitude is a choice, a choice of thought.
Learn To ROAR Leadership - Audio Download Course
Learn To R.O.A.R. Leadership
Learn to R. O. A. R. Leadership Philosophy (TM) applies four elements as an effective way of leading people. These four elements are essential to good strong communication and absolutely critical in building strong relationships.
- Relevant - The currency of the information age.
- Ownership - The currency of maturity.
- Authority - The currency of influence.
- Responsible - The currency of trust.
Learn To R.O.A.R. Leadership is foundational for great influential leadership which will build your business, your legacy and your self!
——————-////——— THE OFFER ———/////——-
Learn To R.O.A.R. Leadership (Audio Download)
Learn to R. O. A. R. Leadership Philosophy (TM) applies four elements as an effective way of leading people.
This course is a fully downloadable audio course with 9 (nine) lessons on leadership.
- "Block and Tackle" of Leadership Tips
- Inspire leaders of all levels
- Motivate new employees to seek growth
- Keynote and Breakouts
- 4 Week Mastermind
- 1:1 or small group coaching
- Book/ e-book/ Audio and
- Video resources to match
Insuperable Vision Workshop - Audio Download
Insuperable Vision Workshop - Audio Download with worksheets
Day after day I meet people who are struggling just to make ends meet. They are adrift in this vast sea of humanity holding on to their job, their family, their home, and their car with all they've got. They see their life experiences and education as the last hope to find their purpose and identity. They gather, fill and stuff all the money they can into every opportune investment. Yet they are empty, frustrated, angry and just plain fed up.
We have all experienced that moment; when we find yourself stuck in traffic, yelling at random strangers to do what they wish they could... but can't... GO!
The idea that life can be better than it is today is like the flame of a candle fighting for all its worth to stand against the tempest.
We all want a better life.
- We study for a better mind.
- We strive for a better health.
- We labor for a better career.
- We long for better relationships.
- We pray for a better spirit.
Even when life is good, we want more.
That idea, that flame, is the hope that lives in the hearts and minds of all of us. Should that flame be extinguished, hope itself may well go with it. It is the rut of hopelessness that traps many would be shining stars and buries that glow from the sight of the world. It is the rut of hopelessness that extinguishes that flame.
Lives that would have been a beacon to the wandering are lost at sea themselves. Inspirations of success that would have been the voices crying out to all who suffer are hidden away in their own stale lives, they cannot share who they are or what the world needs from them.
It is my passion to help you find your purpose. I want to see you become successful, but more than that to be free!
Without vision people perish.
Without vision, we seem to be lost, mind numb robots following the herd into the abyss that is everyday life. We do not live intentionally without a vision for our future. We do not live passionately without a vision for our future. We do not live productively without a vision for our future. We certainly cannot lead without a vision for our future and a vision for the future of those we lead.
This audio course will inspire and instruct you to create a vision which will become a significant driving force in your life.
Learn To ROAR Communication Audio Download Course
LEARN TO ROAR COMMUNICATION - 4 downloadable audio files.
- Leadership Communication Tips
- Inspire leaders of all levels
- Motivate new employees to seek growth
Also Available As
- Keynote and Breakouts
- 4 Week Mastermind
- 1:1 or small group coaching
- Book/ e-book/ Audio and Video
J Loren Norris demonstrates how story telling has a direct relationship to public speaking and is also a preparatory method for speech writing and rehearsing.
Learn To ROAR Communication has been presented as a 20 to 30 minute keynote address as well as an eight hour interactive seminar or three week/ six hour in depth training course for organization leaders and professional speakers. Transforming Stories. Transforming Lives is the core long term coaching program of Tell It Like It Is.
On Sale
On Sale
This course will address thinking processes, culture, facing obstacles, rebuilding relationships and charging forward with a stronger team.
These five stages of personal growth and development will drive you deep into personal reflection. Like the basics of any sport, you must learn to master each of the five stages because they build upon each other. Some of these mindset tactics will come easy to you, some will require great effort, intention and discipline. Some of you will quickly and easily master certain tactics and struggle in others, while some will find different tactics easier to master.
On Sale
On Sale
Tell It Like It Is TV STUDIO RENTAL (per hour)
You can now access my studio in Granbury TX BY THE HOUR
Discounted rates for multiple hours of shooting without reset
- Lighting Included
- Audio via Lapel or Counter Mics Included
- 3 Cameras + digital videos integrated
- OR 4 camera angles
- Panasonic HD Cameras
- Production time included - live switched
- Recorded to your SSD hard drive
You bring your guest, your back drop if you have one, your hard drive and I will record your show “live to tape” straight to your hard drive.
Video Editing
Still Photos
Audio Segregated to WAV or MP3 File
Produce your podcast interviews ON LOCATION!
If you’re hosting an outdoor event and need a small media booth for quiet interviews, broadcast or streaming production or you just want to capture “man on the street” or participants interviews - we have just what you need.
Make your reservations today. 1-3 Camera shoot (1-3 hours) LIVE TO TAPE- recording for your keeping- Wireless Mics provided or fed from your audio.
Contact Loren ThatGuyRocks,com asap.
1-3 Camera shoot (2 hours production time) LIVE TO TAPE- recording for your keeping
Wireless Mics provided or fed from your audio
ADDITIONAL CHARGES FOR: (mileage and per dime outside DFW)
- Royalty For Images, Music, B-Roll
- Multiple Locations
- Multiple Days shooting
- Multiple Editing Completions (IE multiple length commercials)
Video Production Services - commercial - podcast - episodes
1-3 Camera shoot
Wireless Mic
Lighting as needed
2 hours Script prep
2 hours storyboarding
Talent coaching at shoot only (on set director)
Editing to fit predetermine length
Includes 2 revisions after approved draft
- Royalty For Images, Music, B-Roll
- Multiple Locations
- Multiple Days shooting
- Multiple Editing Completions (IE multiple length commercials)
online courses accessed by membership only

ALL ACCESS MEMBERSHIP Unlimited Lifetime Access to Online Courses offered by J Loren Norris
This ALL ACCESS MEMBERSHIP is a once for a lifetime investment for all content created and offered to the public on this websiteby J Loren Norris between 2012 and 2020. Every course which is loaded online for download will be open to those on this specific membership list.

10 Key Areas of Leadership Development - MEMBERSHIP
This course offers 10 short videos along with some brief self assessment questions to consider for your own leadership development.

StoryPower Academy Self Paced Course
StoryPower Academy Self Paced Course
Includes access to multiple video on demand training courses by J Loren Norris on the topic of leadership communication and specific focus on the StoryPower Process. This membership level is self paced learning with one group coaching call per month hosted by J Loren Norris.
Courses Include:
- 6 Stories Every Leader Must Craft
- 4 Faces of a Great Story
- 6 Windows Into StoryPower
- Multiple Story Collaborations with Students
- Archived podcast episodes focused on StoryPower.
- Audio & Video archives of past public trainings on The StoryPower Process
- New content added weekly
This program is $197 per month or one time pay of $1,997 (SAVES $367)

StoryPower Academy Mastermind Membership
StoryPower Academy Mastermind Membership
This membership level includes all content of the SelfPaced Course PLUS
- One group training call per month
- One Mastermind Q&A call per month
- One weekly video review call based on your mastermind group assignment hosted by J Loren Norris
- $2,000 Voucher toward TICKET to StoryPower Masterclass Intensive Retreat
- $2,000 Voucher toward StoryPower Academy Speaker Expo
This program is $997 per month or one time pay of $9,997 (SAVES $1,967)
StoryPower Academy Self Paced Course
Includes access to multiple video on demand training courses by J Loren Norris on the topic of leadership communication and specific focus on the StoryPower Process. This membership level is self paced learning with one group coaching call per month hosted by J Loren Norris.
Courses Include:
- 6 Stories Every Leader Must Craft
- 4 Faces of a Great Story
- 6 Windows Into StoryPower
- Multiple Story Collaborations with Students
- Archived podcast episodes focused on StoryPower.
- Audio & Video archives of past public trainings on The StoryPower Process
- New content added weekly

StoryPower Academy Elite Speaker Membership
StoryPower Academy Elite Speaker Membership (LIMIT 10 PER YEAR)
This membership level includes all content of the Self Paced Course PLUS
- One Elite Speaker Group call per month
- FREE TICKET to StoryPower Masterclass Intensive Retreat
- 5 Stage Opportunities (digital or physical stages arranged by Tell It Like It Is)
- StoryPower Academy Speaker Expo
- Stage Time (20 minutes)
- MultiCamera recording of your presentation
- 10x10 booth to sell books back of room
- Rights to sell and keep 100% of proceeds
StoryPower Academy Self Paced Course
Includes access to multiple video on demand training courses by J Loren Norris on the topic of leadership communication and specific focus on the StoryPower Process. This membership level is self paced learning with one group coaching call per month hosted by J Loren Norris.
Courses Include:
- 6 Stories Every Leader Must Craft
- 4 Faces of a Great Story
- 6 Windows Into StoryPower
- Multiple Story Collaborations with Students
- Archived podcast episodes focused on StoryPower.
- Audio & Video archives of past public trainings on The StoryPower Process
- New content added weekly
This program is $33,000 or $2,750 per month
- 4 Pay $7,500 (SAVES $3,000) or
— One time pay of $24,994 (SAVES $8,006)

Learn To ROAR Membership (Leadership & Communication)
This membership includes access to all 8 videos of the Learn To ROAR Philosophy to include a single download for personal use.

Live A More Excellent Life Online Course
Live A More Excellent Life is a life skills course for those starting out and those starting over.
- help people understand the importance of taking personal ownership of their future
- navigating their own thought processes
- developing a personal compelling vision
- staying firm on their dreams and goals
- building those interpersonal and extra personal relationship skills that allow them to navigate the next level in life.
- e-book/ pdf available for download with online course (personal and mentor course)
- video series for personal study (personal and mentor course)
- handouts for mentor and students (**mentor course exclusive)
- audio lessons with mentor instructions for nine separate lessons (**mentor course exclusive)
- note: Paperback bookavailable from (not included in personal and mentor course)

Victorious Warrior - Individual Use - ONLINE COURSE
Victorious Warrior - Leaders Training Kit - ON THE GO
Specific Items downloadable for use offline
for Multi-Use License CLICK HERE
The damage done to confidence, trust, finances and families could take decades to recover. Before your staff, your volunteers, your tithing families are impacted by sexual addiction, TAKE ACTION! The financial investment to safeguard your organization with the Victorious Warrior Digital Leaders Kit is worth every penny.
This digital ACCESS includes:
5 Battle Strategies of a Victorious Warrior
- ebook - (for Mac and PC)
- audio book - (for Mac and PC)
- student handouts to match the book and videos
- 10 week lesson plan with instructor and student hand outs
- 7 Supplemental Coaching/ Classroom videos (5 hours)
5 Battle Positions of a HAPPY Wife
- ebook - (PDF) Study Guide
- 5 Bonus videos - interviews, promos and a video from Karin Norris
YOUR MEMBERSHIP LEVEL must match the course selected to gain access.
If you do not yet have membership access, click here, complete the form and payment and you will be sent an invitation to create your personal login password. All content is stored and accessed online no download required.
Loren is available for corporate events, training events, sales conferences, leadership retreats, teacher development days, student assemblies and private coaching. LEARN TO ROAR Leadership Philosophy (TM) can be presented as keynote, breakout session, in service days and student assemblies.
5 Battle Positions of a HAPPY Wife (book)
Any woman looking for hope and courage to stand in her marriage when circumstances might tell her to run, will be empowered by 5 Battle Positions of a HAPPY Wife. Karin is well known for her quiet power. Karin speaks straight from the heart as a loving and protective mother and grandmother, a faithful servant of Christ and loving and loyal wife. Her quiet nature is woven in the gentile expression of these pages. Battle positions were not what I thought of when I first met Karin. I thought of meekness, tenderness, comfort, easy to talk to, great listener, and a soft gentle smile. On the pages of this book I found a new side to Karin. I met a passionate warrior who was willing to stare the enemy in the eyes and stand her ground through God's word. Karin waged war against some of the most vicious attacks any woman could ever endure. She nearly lost her family to addiction, pornography, selfishness and pride. But she decided even when her husband wasn't worth fighting for, her marriage was. She heard God clearly say she needed to stay. Feel free to check Amazon for Kindle or Prime savings.
5 Battle Strategies of a Victorious Warrior (book)
Bob Higley, CEO UplifTV says- "This book is a powerful insight into the world of addiction, sexual addiction and self control. From the inner battle of the fallen nature of mankind to the outer forces of the evil influence that permeate society today, readers will learn how to recognize the forces behind addiction. Loren intertwines key biblical scriptures along with personal insight into God’s infinite mercy and grace. This book will help those in addiction obtain the needed wisdom and power to break free from this modern day bondage of perverted sexual slavery." Amazon Prime or Kindle