Karin speaks about her marriage to an addict
In this video Karin answers questions like:
Open message to pastors and church leaders.
Families are being shredded, lives ruined, churches weakened and the gates of hell seem to be prevailing. It's time servants of Christ rise up and speak out. (Promo for March 2017 Conference)
LEAD WITH YOUR OWN TRANSPARENCY OR LEAVE A RUSTY LEGACY! The higher one goes in leadership, the greater the risk of exposure. More influence means more responsibility which means more people are watching which means more haters who are jealous and want to see you fall.
Invite Karin and Loren to speak or train
Our Story
Because We Learned To Fight Together We Are The Best of Friends
Nothing was as dark as the prison of my own mind. Even now, I look back at the places I have been in my imagination and it makes me cringe. Everything I thought and believed was a lie. The bondage was horrendous, the shame unbearable and the fear of being found out owned me. The exposure to sexuality when my heart and mind were too young to comprehend the consequences, devastated my ability to make good choices.
In the final stages of my addiction I had already recognized the gifts of God in my life. I began to use those gifts in evangelism and teaching (and sales jobs). I was seeing people come to Christ and join the church. The Sunday school class I taught had greater attendance than the Sunday Worship Service. I was “riding high”. I would research my messages late at night on the computer in my home office ... then wander into chat rooms no man belongs in. I was torn and conflicted. What I didn’t want to do, owned me. What I WANTED TO DO, I couldn’t.
I hated myself for the images in my mind. I hated myself when I realized how badly I treated my family. I blamed everyone but me. I tried books, classes, accountability groups, prayer meetings and still the temptations came and like a slave I followed them into darkness. Then God showed me why I was still addicted and what I had to change to get free. I followed His instructions and took copious notes. That was 13 years ago!!
5 Battle Strategies of a Victorious Warrior contains those very notes and everything God has revealed in my walk toward Him, toward more power, toward more freedom, toward my calling over the last 10 years. I realize now how powerful is the truth “God’s gifts and calling are without repentance” (Romans 11:29) BUT THE POWER OF HOLINESS requires clean hands and a pure heart!!
The power of addiction is a destructive force. The war within will rage until you learn to fight back, taking every thought captive, speaking life passionately, loving yourself and those around you. The strategies outlined in this book have saved lives, restored marriages, and deepened relationships with God. I know they will help you too, if you are willing to do the hard work which will produce positive and lasting results.
It seems like every day in the news another prominent name is exposed for their behavior linked to sexual addiction. I was addicted 25 years. I am no longer. #metoo ?
In the final stages of my addiction I had already recognized the gifts of God in my life. I began to use those gifts in evangelism and teaching (and sales jobs). I was seeing people come to Christ and join the church. The Sunday school class I taught had greater attendance than the Sunday Worship Service. I was “riding high”. I would research my messages late at night on the computer in my home office ... then wander into chat rooms no man belongs in. I was torn and conflicted. What I didn’t want to do, owned me. What I WANTED TO DO, I couldn’t.
I hated myself for the images in my mind. I hated myself when I realized how badly I treated my family. I blamed everyone but me. I tried books, classes, accountability groups, prayer meetings and still the temptations came and like a slave I followed them into darkness. Then God showed me why I was still addicted and what I had to change to get free. I followed His instructions and took copious notes. That was 13 years ago!!
5 Battle Strategies of a Victorious Warrior contains those very notes and everything God has revealed in my walk toward Him, toward more power, toward more freedom, toward my calling over the last 10 years. I realize now how powerful is the truth “God’s gifts and calling are without repentance” (Romans 11:29) BUT THE POWER OF HOLINESS requires clean hands and a pure heart!!
The power of addiction is a destructive force. The war within will rage until you learn to fight back, taking every thought captive, speaking life passionately, loving yourself and those around you. The strategies outlined in this book have saved lives, restored marriages, and deepened relationships with God. I know they will help you too, if you are willing to do the hard work which will produce positive and lasting results.
It seems like every day in the news another prominent name is exposed for their behavior linked to sexual addiction. I was addicted 25 years. I am no longer. #metoo ?
Freedom Awaits
Redemption & Restoration are possible and available for anyone
Even after David heard the declaration "YOU ARE THAT MAN" He was called "A man after God's own heart." Redemption & Restoration are possible and available for anyone - even today.
What is the aftermath of sexual addiction?
Prostitution, sexual slavery, exploitation, divorce, abortion, fatherlessness, fatherless homes, prison, suicide, family destruction, ministry collapse, business failure, bankruptcy, blackmail, career ending exposure...
The Victorious Warrior Leaders Kits is a group study in spiritual warfare for leaders of all levels from teen fathers to seasoned coaches. This material offers insight to battle any addiction, tools to claim victory over thoughts, attitudes, actions and lifestyles, practical steps to freedom through Jesus Christ.
This complete curriculum is ready to deploy for any facilitator from apostles to interns.
**Price includes multi use and duplication permission for churches ($1597).
What is the aftermath of sexual addiction?
Prostitution, sexual slavery, exploitation, divorce, abortion, fatherlessness, fatherless homes, prison, suicide, family destruction, ministry collapse, business failure, bankruptcy, blackmail, career ending exposure...
The Victorious Warrior Leaders Kits is a group study in spiritual warfare for leaders of all levels from teen fathers to seasoned coaches. This material offers insight to battle any addiction, tools to claim victory over thoughts, attitudes, actions and lifestyles, practical steps to freedom through Jesus Christ.
This complete curriculum is ready to deploy for any facilitator from apostles to interns.
**Price includes multi use and duplication permission for churches ($1597).
Our first major conference
Pornography has become an epidemic addiction. It harms relationships, destroys families, hurts and victimizes children, leads to violence and abuse of women and children and is the single biggest taboo topic, with the most lethal outcome. This is not an elephant in the room, porn is a blind, wet, angry tiger with blood on his lips.
The taboo nature of this topic, the fear people have of discussing it in public, in schools, in churches makes the path to freedom VERY hard to find.
I am confident we have the experience, the story, the passion and the transparency to see people brought back to hope, back to their families and out of this horrid addiction. We are just beginning master the process of making it available to those who need it. Please pray for the next level.
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The taboo nature of this topic, the fear people have of discussing it in public, in schools, in churches makes the path to freedom VERY hard to find.
I am confident we have the experience, the story, the passion and the transparency to see people brought back to hope, back to their families and out of this horrid addiction. We are just beginning master the process of making it available to those who need it. Please pray for the next level.
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Short Videos you can share
What Is The Cost Of Digital Over Exposure?Watch this provocative video and make sure you forward to the parents and leaders in your life today!
WARNING: CREATIVE CONTENT IN THIS VIDEO MAY BE DISTURBING AND/OR MAY CAUSE A "TRIGGER" FOR THOSE RECOVERING FROM SEXUAL ADDICTION. *Mature Content. Disclaimer: The Just1ClickAway video was created according to the highest standards of integrity. All minor children acting in the film were supervised at all times by a parent. The parents met with the director in advance to closely review the script, receive explanations about the purpose and use for the film and sign releases. Minors were on set only for their specific parts and their scenes were shot without suggestive images or other characters within their view. Read why we did it Josh McDowell has released a position paper entitled "Your child is at great risk! Just1ClickAway." You will find shocking statistics and helpful tips as you navigate your family and students through the intrusive immorality that is so prevalent today.https://www.josh.org/resources/just-1-click-away/ |
What $$$ cost would your organization bear if it were lead by Bill Hybels, Bill O’Reiley, MATT Lauer, Harvey Weinstein?
If you have lost an executive leader after their inappropriate behavior, sexual misconduct or infidelity caused divorce, the investment for prevention is more affordable than you can imagine. |