THIS NEXT YEAR WILL SEE A RISE IN LEADERSHIP SKIRMISHES.“Trust me when I say the battle for leadership is well under way. The conflict of conversation, the manipulation of meaning, the rattling of rhetoric has been escalating at a fevered pitch. I believe the only thing evolving faster than the impact technology has on daily life is the vicious vitriol of vocal attacks.” J Loren Norris
LEADERS KNOW THE PLETHORA OF CHOICES DOES NOT IMPLY CHOICE IS YOURS.“Have you heard the modified golden rule? ‘He who has the gold makes the rules.’ Well, when it comes to choices, those who control the options available really control the choices you make. If you can really only choose from the options presented, do you really have freedom of choice? If you’re the leader, remember to offer legitimate options and clear choices. Also be willing to be flexible with the choices amongst the options offered.” J Loren Norris AWARENESS IS CRUCIAL FOR LEADERS HOWEVER MYOPATHY AND FOCUS ARE SEPARATED BY A VERY THIN LINE12/28/2021 AWARENESS IS CRUCIAL FOR LEADERS HOWEVER MYOPATHY AND FOCUS ARE SEPARATED BY A VERY THIN LINE“Leaders must be willing to do the hard work of self leadership, self awareness and personal introspection. Leaders must also understand the line between focus and myopathy. It’s entirely too easy to become so wrapped up in personal issues and lose sight of the bigger picture and its global impact. Its great to focus on self improvement and self empowerment just don’t lose the perspective of larger reality and the role you play in it.” J Loren Norris VISION IS THE TOOL LEADERS USE TO BUILD HOPE WHICH MOTIVATES SUCCESS“Without vision, we seem to be lost, mind numb robots following the herd into the abyss that is everyday life. We do not live intentionally without a vision for our future. We do not live passionately without a vision for our future. We do not live productively without a vision for our future. We certainly cannot lead without a vision for our future and a vision for the future of those we lead. Even when life is good, we want more. But until we can see the image in our mind's eye and touch it with our heart, it will be nothing more than longing." ~ J Loren Norris ~ “The use of rhetorical propaganda and the strategic psy-ops level of engagement between the corporate globalist media and US democrat party officials is nothing more than a slight of hand, a rope a dope for the masses.
The more they scream of inequality, inequities as well as racial and class warfare, the more traction they gain with their adherents. Even when the declarations and decrees are baseless, false and provably inaccurate, they confirm existing biases and motivate their base to action (riots, protests, activism). This is the means of connecting and controlling the ‘proletariat’ to action against the “accused bourgeoise” of conservative and capitalist minded people. While these activities serve the agenda, it’s more the icing than the cake. The real treat is the division created all the way to the family level. This tactic guarantees the opportunity to create a divided front. When no one you know agrees with you enough to stand up beside you and push back you are disgraced and of no threat at all. Fractional resistance is no resistance. Meanwhile, those who have absconded with unwarranted, unbridled power and obfuscated authority claim their own form of aristocratic global governance. If it were not playing out before our very eyes in the daily news we would likely find the plot to be as ludicrous as an Austin Powers movie. As boiled down as we can make it, we must find agreement. As simplified as the message must be, as few points of agreement which remain, we must find unity and alignment to repel the divisions and diversions being leveled at us. If our nation is to remain the heart and soul of freedom the world over - the last bastion of hope and light - we must stand on common ground and declare with a loud voice what we stand together for.” J Loren Norris LEADERS APPLY GRACE TO THE MOST DIFFICULT SITUATIONS WITHOUT COMPROMISING CORE VALUES“Especially around the holidays, family gatherings can become the crucible of relationships. People who are passionate about what they observe, believe and cling to will often become loud and abusive as they encounter people they disagree with, even if they are people they love dearly. It is the call of the leader to engage in these critical conversations and to do so with great grace patience. It is also very important to do so without abandoning core values.” J Loren Norris LEADERS WHO CHEAT THE SYSTEM OR CREATE A SYSTEM DESIGNED FOR CHEATING SHOULD BE DISQUALIFIED TO LEAD.“It’s hard enough to win the game when your opponent knows the rules better than you. Its impossible when they alone have the ability to change the rules or make up new ones along the way. When the game is rigged for a particular side to always win, we all feel the indignation and emotion of injustice. When we realize the game was rigged, the system was rigged from the inception we all realize we have been played. What’s worse is when so called leaders use the persuasion techniques of the best sales people to manipulate the game in their favor. Leaders who cheat the system should not be leading. Replace them!” J Loren Norris LEADERS KNOW THE POWER OF DECISION MAKING TOOLS AND HOW TO USE THEM WITH DISCRETION NOT DISCRIMINATION.“People are fickle, silly and unrealistic - especially when it comes to their data/ private information. They post comments, photos, philosophies galore on social media and yet expect no one to notice what they set out in public. Leaders need data to make good decisions like who to hire, who to contract business with, what products and services they should offer or delete and to whom should they sell those products. Data mining is neither new nor unethical. It is a tool for good decision making. Consider a doctor making a recommendation without an exam first. Bad idea right.” J Loren Norris LEADERS HAVE BELIEF ENOUGH TO SPARE.“Believing in others is one of the most significant gifts a leader can give. Self doubt, external criticism and competition can destroy the success of a budding superstar. Often the margin between potential and progress is measured by belief. Lead others with consistent, specific and credible adulation to demonstrate your belief in them and you will reap the rewards of a confident team.” J Loren Norris SILENCE AND COMPLIANCE ARE NOT TRAITS OF GREAT LEADERSHIP“Great leaders are free thinkers. Often free thinking causes them to live in a bubble. When your ideas, thoughts, choices are not in the realm of normal or controllable you will be challenged to remain silent, to calm down, to fit in. DON’T DO IT! If you have thoughts and opinions which are different than the majority, you have something special to offer to society. Don’t keep your treasures to yourself and rob society of their benefit. Do it with class, dignity and poise, but speak up!” J Loren Norris IF LEADERS DON'T KNOW THE RULES OF THE GAME - DO THEY STAND A CHANCE AT WINNING?“It is challenging enough to be in constant competition for attention, promotion, opportunity and success. However, winning any competition is even more complicated when the rules are ambiguous and consistently changing. Leaders who do not stay up to date on rules changes, or how to apply them judiciously for success will find themselves a step behind and predominately on the losing side. Leaders who are closely involved in the crafting and keeping of the rules will hold a distinct advantage. You should be in the know and in the action.” J Loren Norris WEAK LEADERS ARE WEAK IN THREE SPECIFIC AREAS. WANT TO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE?“The best connections, the most open doors, the strongest reputation, and the greatest opportunity can all be cancelled by weaknesses left unaddressed. A leader who is not actively aware of weakness will not bother to address weakness. Three specific areas of weakness will cripple everything you have worked for in short order. These three areas of weakness are isolated to the individual and while they may be impacted by others, they can only be addressed and corrected by you. Yes, you have to watch the video to discover what they are.” J Loren Norris WEAK LEADERS ARE WEAK IN THREE SPECIFIC AREAS. WANT TO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE? “The best connections, the most open doors, the strongest reputation, and the greatest opportunity can all be cancelled by weaknesses left unaddressed. A leader who is not actively aware of weakness will not bother to address weakness. Three specific areas of weakness will cripple everything you have worked for in short order. These three areas of weakness are isolated to the individual and while they may be impacted by others, they can only be addressed and corrected by you. Yes, you have to watch the video to discover what they are.” J Loren Norris Watch the video #leadingleaderspodcast 12-09-21 LOOK FOR LEADING LEADERS ON LIFTABLE.TV ______________________________ Leading Leaders Podcast is a short but impactful leadership video, blog and podcast distributed 5 days a week by J Loren Norris to promote faith, family and freedom in the face of a global leadership drought. Leadership Training, Interviews and Entertainment #leadingleaderspodcast #storypower #transforminggracetv #jlorennorris Copyright 2021 Tell It Like It Is Inc Live A More Excellent Life Online Course
Live A More Excellent Life is a life skills course for those starting out and those starting over. GOALS
Insuperable Vision Workshop - Audio Download
Insuperable Vision Workshop - Audio Download with worksheets Day after day I meet people who are struggling just to make ends meet. They are adrift in this vast sea of humanity holding on to their job, their family, their home, and their car with all they've got. They see their life experiences and education as the last hope to find their purpose and identity. They gather, fill and stuff all the money they can into every opportune investment. Yet they are empty, frustrated, angry and just plain fed up. We have all experienced that moment; when we find yourself stuck in traffic, yelling at random strangers to do what they wish they could... but can't... GO! The idea that life can be better than it is today is like the flame of a candle fighting for all its worth to stand against the tempest. We all want a better life.
Even when life is good, we want more. That idea, that flame, is the hope that lives in the hearts and minds of all of us. Should that flame be extinguished, hope itself may well go with it. It is the rut of hopelessness that traps many would be shining stars and buries that glow from the sight of the world. It is the rut of hopelessness that extinguishes that flame. Lives that would have been a beacon to the wandering are lost at sea themselves. Inspirations of success that would have been the voices crying out to all who suffer are hidden away in their own stale lives, they cannot share who they are or what the world needs from them. It is my passion to help you find your purpose. I want to see you become successful, but more than that to be free! Without vision people perish. Without vision, we seem to be lost, mind numb robots following the herd into the abyss that is everyday life. We do not live intentionally without a vision for our future. We do not live passionately without a vision for our future. We do not live productively without a vision for our future. We certainly cannot lead without a vision for our future and a vision for the future of those we lead. This audio course will inspire and instruct you to create a vision which will become a significant driving force in your life. Attitude Hack (For Christians) Audio Download
I won’t tell you what to do. It's your choice because your attitude is your choice. When a thought comes into your head, what you focus on or don't focus on, will make you who you are. Those thoughts will become beliefs, then become attitudes, then become actions, then become behaviors, and finally become your circumstances. From the thought to the circumstances, you have many chances to lead your own life. The key strategic place you have an opportunity to control life is in your own attitude, because attitude is a choice, a choice of thought. Categories All LEADERS KNOW THAT ENTERTAINMENT IS THE OPIATE OF THE MASSES AND AMERICA IS STRUGGLING WITH AN OPIATE ADDICTION“Amazing as it is, the ability to persuade, convince and manipulate subtly buried in the art of entertainment is still a fascinating subject to me which gets largely ignored as a tool or trap for leaders. When a distraction offers itself without disclosing any agenda, we should assume a diabolical intent.“ J Loren Norris LEADERSHIP AND AUTHORITY AND FOLLOWING ORDERS ARE THEY ALL THE SAME?“Leaders are leaders because they know the power of authority and the value of submission to authority. But not everyone who is promoted to management is a leader who should be trusted with authority. Power hungry people tend to wrestle their way to the top, then abuse the authority they are given. Leadership is not about power, its about being trusted to influence people in the direction which is best for them, the team, the organization and ultimately society as a whole.” J Loren Norris LEADERS SHOULD UNDERSTAND AND BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE THINGS THEY SAY AS WELL…“Too many influencers feel confident they can say or do whatever they wish and face no consequences. These are not good leaders, but they are leaders nonetheless. Good leaders need to be aware of this tendency and be willing to speak up about it. The damage done can be catastrophic and permanent. People have committed suicide because an influencer trashed them, demeaned them and maligned them in front of others…” J Loren Norris |
Insuperable Vision Workshop - Audio Download
Insuperable Vision Workshop - Audio Download with worksheets Day after day I meet people who are struggling just to make ends meet. They are adrift in this vast sea of humanity holding on to their job, their family, their home, and their car with all they've got. They see their life experiences and education as the last hope to find their purpose and identity. They gather, fill and stuff all the money they can into every opportune investment. Yet they are empty, frustrated, angry and just plain fed up. We have all experienced that moment; when we find yourself stuck in traffic, yelling at random strangers to do what they wish they could... but can't... GO! The idea that life can be better than it is today is like the flame of a candle fighting for all its worth to stand against the tempest. We all want a better life. Even when life is good, we want more. That idea, that flame, is the hope that lives in the hearts and minds of all of us. Should that flame be extinguished, hope itself may well go with it. It is the rut of hopelessness that traps many would be shining stars and buries that glow from the sight of the world. It is the rut of hopelessness that extinguishes that flame. Lives that would have been a beacon to the wandering are lost at sea themselves. Inspirations of success that would have been the voices crying out to all who suffer are hidden away in their own stale lives, they cannot share who they are or what the world needs from them. It is my passion to help you find your purpose. I want to see you become successful, but more than that to be free! Without vision people perish. Without vision, we seem to be lost, mind numb robots following the herd into the abyss that is everyday life. We do not live intentionally without a vision for our future. We do not live passionately without a vision for our future. We do not live productively without a vision for our future. We certainly cannot lead without a vision for our future and a vision for the future of those we lead. This audio course will inspire and instruct you to create a vision which will become a significant driving force in your life. Author