"If one minute you have a dream to build, to create, to do, to become incredibly fantastic and you follow that very moment with fear, anxiety and doubt, you will find the subtlety of doubt as powerful as the under toe. " J Loren Norris "We become so focused on attaining the object of our desires we overlook the unintended consequences of our immediate and present choices or behavior." J Loren Norris "Your brand name should be associated with good citizenship, good service, good quality, good products, and good will in the community. It should not be determined by the opinions of haters who love your product and service but hate your world view." J Loren Norris "As leaders we are facing a rapid changing of mindset and world view all across the globe. The conspiracy theory of the haves vs the have nots is being pushed and promoted at every level of society." ~ J Loren Norris "If we are going to have a significant and lasting impact, we need to be humble enough to admit we need help. We need to recognize the needs of others and how our contribution will impact them. Then we need to align ourselves with others to “make it happen.” J Loren Norris "It had never dawned on me that I should be teaching that step to my StoryPower clients because it seemed so 'elementary.'" J Loren Norris "Bigotry is in all of its forms a graceless way to lead. Intimidation based on differences is not leadership it is manipulation and tyranny." J Loren Norris "That is your gift. Now, add skill, practice, diligence, training and more practice to that gift and you have a chance to be the best in the world at that one thing." J Loren Norris "If you are seeking significant fun a vial success, financial gain and market power or market share, be certain you have sure odds yourself with people you respect, who share your same values and who have experiences in this level of growth." J Loren Norris "The old adage, “How you do anything is how you do everything” should be considered. If you fake it from the stage, if you must manipulate through illusion to “win the crowd”, HOW REAL is what you have to offer in the end?" J Loren Norris "We all have gifts, talents and abilities. They are designed to enhance and activate our dreams, but more than that, they are gifts for the world around us and not just for us. IT"S NOT ABOUT YOU!" J Loren Norris "If you have served as I have served THANK YOU. Thank you for your willingness to serve, your heart to serve and your sacrifice to serve." ~ J Loren Norris "Like going to the gym, I provide the content of #LeadingLeadersPodcast on a daily basis because I believe in the deeper value of consistency and repetition. I would like to know if there are any persons paying any attention to this exercise..." J Loren Norris "The seed, the acorn, the pine cone, the pumpkin seed all of them are the same thing - a blueprint. They are not the entire substance of the tree. All on their own, they cannot produce a tree. They need something else. A seed needs nutrient rich, moisture filled, deep and solid soil." J Loren Norris "For whatever reason they question their leaders, the number one tool is THE LEADER’S PAST." J Loren Norris "I believe leaders need to teach entrepreneurs to be go getters, customer centric and truly independent again. Not just how to complete a resume and W-4 form along with their I-9." ~J Loren Norris |
Insuperable Vision Workshop - Audio Download
Insuperable Vision Workshop - Audio Download with worksheets Day after day I meet people who are struggling just to make ends meet. They are adrift in this vast sea of humanity holding on to their job, their family, their home, and their car with all they've got. They see their life experiences and education as the last hope to find their purpose and identity. They gather, fill and stuff all the money they can into every opportune investment. Yet they are empty, frustrated, angry and just plain fed up. We have all experienced that moment; when we find yourself stuck in traffic, yelling at random strangers to do what they wish they could... but can't... GO! The idea that life can be better than it is today is like the flame of a candle fighting for all its worth to stand against the tempest. We all want a better life. Even when life is good, we want more. That idea, that flame, is the hope that lives in the hearts and minds of all of us. Should that flame be extinguished, hope itself may well go with it. It is the rut of hopelessness that traps many would be shining stars and buries that glow from the sight of the world. It is the rut of hopelessness that extinguishes that flame. Lives that would have been a beacon to the wandering are lost at sea themselves. Inspirations of success that would have been the voices crying out to all who suffer are hidden away in their own stale lives, they cannot share who they are or what the world needs from them. It is my passion to help you find your purpose. I want to see you become successful, but more than that to be free! Without vision people perish. Without vision, we seem to be lost, mind numb robots following the herd into the abyss that is everyday life. We do not live intentionally without a vision for our future. We do not live passionately without a vision for our future. We do not live productively without a vision for our future. We certainly cannot lead without a vision for our future and a vision for the future of those we lead. This audio course will inspire and instruct you to create a vision which will become a significant driving force in your life. Author