“If your skin is too thick to be corrected or too thin to be encouraged, leadership may not be the field for you. If you lead with flattery for your own gain rather than truth for the betterment of those you lead your selfishness will reveal itself.” J Loren Norris
“You can make excuses or you can make progress, it is near impossible to make both. If you find yourself and your success waiting for someone to pitch in, to help out or to join your cause, you would be better served to get busy making the effort to cross the finish line alone. You are likely to find others begging to join your passion and enthusiasm,” J Loren Norris ”It is not always easy to do as you’re told. Its not always easy to see the truth behind the lies. Its not always easy to accept the story as it is told to you. For that reason, leaders must be well read, well informed and responsible to LEAD the narrative rather than follow it.” J Loren Norris “What if I told you that the biggest, most powerful resistance you face to your success is actually between your ears? Well it is!! The thoughts you thinking without thinking are like holding one foot on the gas and one foot on the brake. All you effort, action, talent and skill will get you nowhere if you’re constantly reminding yourself you are a failure.” J Loren Norris WHAT IS IT YOU ONLY SHARE IN CERTAIN CIRCLES? WHAT IS IT YOU ARE AFRAID TO SPEAK UP ABOUT?7/27/2020 "Your driving thoughts, ideas, emotions and conversations are often restricted due to your present environment. When your ideas are scattered, whimsical, and change with the day, they should be challenged. When you are not sure why you believe what you believe, you should be challenged. But regardless your ideas you should never be silenced." J Loren Norris “‘It’s only wrong if you get caught.’ Right? NO. I am a firm, believer that good and right are knowable. I believe there are absolute laws of the universe which are not for the purpose of judgment or financial gain and that violating those laws comes with greater penalty than prosecution, jail time and fines.” J Loren Norris “Cancers, fungus, disease, blood disorders, viruses and bacteria all destroy from within. Every organism and every organization fight internal destruction and damage to these type of internal forces. The key for leaders is understanding the source of the damage and how to destroy it.” J Loren Norris “Who decides what the options are? Who chooses the menu of choices? How did we get to the place where these are the last options? What if every option has consequences? Every option has consequences! If I control your options, I control your choices, even while allowing you to perceive the right to choose.” J Loren Norris "It is the leaders' job to ensure team members are competent, capable, and qualified to perform their assignments. Selecting the right "running buddy" makes all the difference. Can they keep up with the pace? Do they have the endurance? Will they even run with you? Ask before you leave the starting line or you will have no one to hand the baton too." J Loren Norris "In the course of human engagement, fairness requires concerted effort. Fairness in society, fairness in business, fairness in sports always demands the attention of the rule makers, the game crafters and the boundaries when they are established." J Loren Norris "It is often in our everyday relationships and common conversations that the subtlety of our own selfishness rears its head, reveals our intention and diverts our attention. Subtlety is the cause of wars, the kiss of betrayal and the wink of admiration all at once." J Loren Norris "This video is about power, wealth and success.. in the entirety of the lesson on leadership. What many perceive as power and the way to gain power, wealth and success is an errant view based on poor decisions, faulty assumptions, tainted observations and misleading perceptions." J Loren Norris "You will see the world through the lens of your life. That lens is a combination of your situation, your circumstances and your personhood. You may have dirty glasses, a horn on your nose, or a unique personality. All of these change how you see and relate to the world." J Loren Norris "Cognitive dissonance is a noticeable imbalance between what you observe and what you already believe to be true. The ability to separate reality from belief is hard for most people. The ability to manipulate how others think with this tool is a common practice. Understanding and properly applying ethical communication practices is a leadership responsibility." J Loren Norris “Most people read a book, watch a movie or attend a competition with one “side” or another in mind. They root for the hero, the protagonist or the home team. Who is the hero? The good guy? The villain? Where you’re from might change who the home team is for you. Now where is your loyalty?” J Loren Norris “At every level of our lives OPPORTUNITY distractions derail us. Sometimes that’s a GREAT thing because distractions allow us to reduce stress, refocus and refresh. Sometimes though, distractions alter the course of our future, destroy hope and prevent us from fulfilling our destiny.” J Loren Norris “I can never overstate the need for learning, growing, reading, observing, EVER. I also know from my own failures that there is no teacher like experience. When out comes to the tests of life, not everything on the test was in the book or mentioned in class. When you bring experience and knowledge together, #storypower emerges and wisdom abounds.” J Loren Norris “If the picture you have in your heart and mind of the people you are sent to serve doesn't move you to tears when you consider their pain and move you to a sense of victorious celebration when you picture them after you’ve helped them, your vision is not complete.” J Loren Norris “Freedom is what we all long for but seldom are we free to choose it for ourselves. After its purchased for us, the next choice is to use that freedom in search of independence. That requires our own struggles, strains and choices. Being independent is as costly as freedom.” J Loren Norris ”Speaking both from extensive observation and personal experience, an idea no matter how profound, in-depth, or radical, is seldom a worthwhile idea when postulated and promoted in the vacuum of a single human mind. Not until the idea meets and endures the rigors of many minds will it be trustworthy. Conversation requires consideration. Consideration requires concern. Speaking in the terms of the other persons interest is the most sure way for your ideas to be considered in conversation often enough to become trustworthy.” J Loren Norris “When the tsunami is imminent the ocean retracts as if warning of the devastation to come. In that retraction, lies revelation. All that has been hidden just off the edge of the sandy party beach in the deep dark waters will be exposed... So it is with the social tsunamis which bring lasting transformation, the exposure is followed by a trashing, is followed by cleansing and rebuilding.” J Loren Norris “Falling forward, failing forward demands the extra effort of momentum in the direction of your goals, LONG BEFORE the finish line is in sight. Like the runner who leans forward stretching their chest to break the tape, even if it means tumbling on the track seconds later. The effort which carries you to the finish line is often just short of carrying you THROUGH the finish line.” J Loren Norris “In many wars, there is no winner. There’s simply those left standing when the shooting is done. In a war of ideas, the battlefield of ideas is seldom littered with broken bodies, but often littered with bruised egos, damaged pride and broken wills. Sadly, attrition is seldom accomplished by common sense, truth, facts or reality but rather is driven back by emotional bullies and illogical rhetoric. So how do you win a battle for ideas?” J Loren Norris |
Insuperable Vision Workshop - Audio Download
Insuperable Vision Workshop - Audio Download with worksheets Day after day I meet people who are struggling just to make ends meet. They are adrift in this vast sea of humanity holding on to their job, their family, their home, and their car with all they've got. They see their life experiences and education as the last hope to find their purpose and identity. They gather, fill and stuff all the money they can into every opportune investment. Yet they are empty, frustrated, angry and just plain fed up. We have all experienced that moment; when we find yourself stuck in traffic, yelling at random strangers to do what they wish they could... but can't... GO! The idea that life can be better than it is today is like the flame of a candle fighting for all its worth to stand against the tempest. We all want a better life. Even when life is good, we want more. That idea, that flame, is the hope that lives in the hearts and minds of all of us. Should that flame be extinguished, hope itself may well go with it. It is the rut of hopelessness that traps many would be shining stars and buries that glow from the sight of the world. It is the rut of hopelessness that extinguishes that flame. Lives that would have been a beacon to the wandering are lost at sea themselves. Inspirations of success that would have been the voices crying out to all who suffer are hidden away in their own stale lives, they cannot share who they are or what the world needs from them. It is my passion to help you find your purpose. I want to see you become successful, but more than that to be free! Without vision people perish. Without vision, we seem to be lost, mind numb robots following the herd into the abyss that is everyday life. We do not live intentionally without a vision for our future. We do not live passionately without a vision for our future. We do not live productively without a vision for our future. We certainly cannot lead without a vision for our future and a vision for the future of those we lead. This audio course will inspire and instruct you to create a vision which will become a significant driving force in your life. Author